The powerful, remote-controlled RAPTOR 100 self-propelled shredder, combined with the M450m grizzle mulcher, is an extremely versatile machine. It can be used for a wide range of applications and areas, such as cutting bushes and branches on uneven and inaccessible terrain, green space maintenance and forestry work on steep terrain (up to 45 degrees), on the edges of roads and paths, and work in sensitive areas without causing damage.




    Effective Power [kW]
    Engine Type
    Speed [km/h]
    Tank Capacity [l]
    Working Width [mm]
    Working Width with Mulcher [mm]
    Length [mm]
    Height [mm]
    Weight with mucher [kg]
    Frontal Gradeability
    Sideways Gradeability
    Rotor Diameter
    RAPTOR 100
    Deutz diesel engine TD2.9L4 Stage V

    It tackles the most challenging tasks

    Slopes, embankments, hills, and inclines: thanks to its traction and ideal load distribution, the Raptor 100 can handle slopes of up to 45 degrees, even on difficult surfaces.

    Benefits the environment – benefits the forest

    Less pressure on the soil means less environmental damage. The wide rubber tracks of the Raptor 100 and its low weight exert less pressure on the soil, thus protecting the ground, even if it is soft.

    Maximum performance

    An innovative propulsion system and a powerful hydraulic drive provide everything you need. The soil clearance is ideal for uneven terrains and forests.

    The most comfortable and secure cabin

    The compact design and low weight make it easy to transport to its place of use.

    Ένα εργονομικό χειριστήριο με άνετη ζώνη μέσης, joysticks και ένα σύστημα διακοπής έκτακτης ανάγκης επιτρέπουν την αποτελεσματική εργασία σε απόσταση ασφαλείας έως και 100 μέτρων. Μπορείτε να κατευθύνετε το όχημα με το ένα χέρι, ενώ με το άλλο χειρίζεστε το εξάρτημα.

    Το M450h είναι ένα ελαφρύ, υδραυλικό χορτοκοπτικό για γενική χρήση και το τέλειο συμπλήρωμα του Raptor 100. Προσφέρει εύκολο χειρισμό, χαμηλή συντήρηση, υψηλή παραγωγικότητα και απαιτεί μικρή ισχύ.

    BCS-Rotor με χαλύβδινα μαχαίρια ή δόντια καρβιδίου. Καλύτερα ισορροπημένος ρότορας για λιγότερη φθορά των ρουλεμάν και υψηλή ταχύτητα που σημαίνει υψηλή παραγωγικότητα και τέλειο φινίρισμα.

    Μια προστατευμένη οθόνη δείχνει με μια ματιά τις πιο σημαντικές παραμέτρους εργασίας, όπως η ταχύτητα περιστροφής, η θερμοκρασία, οι ώρες λειτουργίας και η υδραυλική πίεση.

    Τέσσερις φωτεινοί προβολείς LED στο μπροστινό και το πίσω μέρος του Raptor 100 σημαίνουν ότι μπορείτε να βλέπετε και να γίνεστε αντιληπτοί, ακόμη και σε δύσκολες συνθήκες φωτισμού.


    Forest Cleaning
    A significant challenge is the control of bark beetles. They attack healthy trees and cause the destruction of forest clusters over large areas. The use of the destructor is a solution that prevents the risk of spread and the prevention of natural disasters caused by pests.

    Forestry maintenance
    Forestry maintenance is a complex and particular challenge. The self-propelled shredders from Prinoth offer an ideal solution, providing maximum productivity and reliability for trees, shrubs, debris, or rocky terrain.

    Firebreaks and  prevention of fires
    Low vegetation serves as a source of fuel and significantly increases the risk of wildfires and the speed of their spread. Therefore, the prevention of natural disasters and the limitation of damage are required in a way that is minimally invasive to the environment.

    Landscaping includes measures used for the construction and maintenance of infrastructure, such as road clearing programs, opening up forest roads, and green management for preparing construction infrastructure work.

    Land clearing
    Land clearing encompasses various applications, including the clearance of firebreak zones, the opening of forest roads, and Anti-nero zones. Its primary objective is to clear land, specifically in areas designated for use as wind parks, roads, or agricultural fields.

    Right-of-way maintenance
    It includes actions such as maintaining electrical, underground, and aerial cables, pipelines, and railway lines. These areas are often challenging to access due to steep slopes and uneven or soft terrain.
